Information & Advice

The information provided is designed to help youmake informed decisions about future training or study, how to acquire new skills, improve job prospects, obtain a qualification or simply to develop your confidence.

What we offer

  • A safe learning environment. Any issues should be reported to your tutor in the first instance. If you wish to discuss a concern further you can also contact Harrow Council Safeguarding Adults Service on 020 8420 9453 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Information about your course content;
  • Support to achieve your learning goals and ongoing feedback about your progress;
  • A high standard of teaching that is regularly monitored;
  • Information and advice about learning options available on completion of your course or to support further learning;
  • Referral, where relevant, to other appropriate local agencies and partner Adult and Community Learning providers;
  • Referral, where appropriate, to a qualified IAG adviser or to a specialist careers advice and guidance service if you need general career advice or more in-depth guidance;
  • Opportunities to explore volunteering for our service;
  • Advice on how to access further support for English, Maths or Language skills;
  • An opportunity to feedback on how we could improve our services;

What we expect from you

  • To show commitment by attending your class every session, on time and advising us if you are unable to attend;
  • To tell us about your learning support needs and to inform your tutor if there is anything which could affect you attending the course;
  • To arrive punctually, be prepared to learn and present work on time and to complete any coursework and paperwork as required;
  • To treat the premises, members of staff, volunteers and other learners with respect;
  • To use the Internet responsibly and safely when using a computer in class;
  • To give us feedback to help us improve the service.

How you can help us improve

We aim to meet your needs on every occasion; however, we may not always get it right. We welcome your feedback and you will be given the opportunity to do this by either:

  • Completing a Compliments, Concerns, Suggestions or Complaints form
  • Telling a member of staff either in person, by telephone, in writing, by email or via our website
  • Filling in an Evaluation form at the end of your course (ask your tutor for a form)
  • Completing a learner survey. (ask your tutor for a link)


If you have already completed a course with Learn Harrow, you can give us feedback by email (address below)

Contact details for feedback submission

Learn Harrow
Kenton Learning Centre
86 Glebe Avenue

Email: lThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or Telephone: 020 8204 3567