1 Planning
The commissioning of Adult Learning priorities and reasons for delivering partnership working through a framework and prospectus process. Please click on the links to access the editable document templates
Planning and costing
This spreadsheet will enable you to map out the cost and potential income for your courses to ensure that what you are bidding for is realistic and deliverable. The formula cells of the spreadsheet are password protected. Please refer to sheet 1 of the spreadsheet for notes on how to complete each column or cell.
Download links
Learn Harrow is facilitating various marketing opportunities for active providers. Your courses must be listed on the www.learnharrow.ac.uk website for learners to enrol. From there we will use content for social media and ad hoc marketing including adverts, banners and flyers.
If you would like to use your own marketing material you must not the following requirements: All marketing must carry the Learn Harrow logo using the specifications issued alongside the Harrow Council generic branding All marketing must carry the GLA logo and MUST be approved by the GLA prior to publication. Contact us for details
Advisory Board
Purpose of the Learn Harrow Adult Learning Advisory Board The Board will meet twice per year (term time) and provide a formal structure for stakeholders to undertake a joint advisory role, within the existing Council governance structure, to support planning, challenge quality outcomes and self assessment of the work of the Learn Harrow Service and provide collaborative leadership advice in shaping its direction. The board will not have delegated authority, this will remain delegated through the council’s decision making processes. The Learn Harrow advisory board will:
- Act as a ‘critical friend’ by guiding the service to ensure its performance meets GLA, ESFA, Ofsted and Harrow Ambitions and community learning targets.
- Make recommendations regarding the service’s strategic annual aims and objectives based on GLA, ESFA, Ofsted, Local LEP, West London Alliance and Local Authority corporate strategic priorities.
- Provide independence of judgment and scrutiny of service provision.
- Provide support and guidance to the service to secure additional income generation to ensure sustainability and growth.
Advisory Board Download links
2 Delivery
Course and enrolment (data collection)
How to get learners enrolled on courses
As a provider you are required to submit the following information about your courses and about your learners. The standard and completeness of this data is very important to enable the service to:
- Monitor your contract and evaluate your progress towards your KPIs
- To contribute towards the ILR the service submit monthly to our funders
- To evaluate how successful we are in reaching our priority groups
- To evaluate the impact learning has on communities
Course Information (this must be submitted prior the course starting)
Learner data should be entered by the learner directly to our webenrol pages on the www.learnharrow.ac.uk website
Download links
Learn Harrow Monitoring of Sub Contractors
As a contracted partner provider you are required to deliver learning of a high standard and to continuously seek to improve your provision to make it more relevant to learners needs and to continuously seek to improve the learner experience. To assist us in monioring all of our contracts and to determine how we can best support you we will come and visit you twice each year. During this visit we will look at the following:
- That the organisation is delivering the Intent outlined in the Prospectus bid
- That the organisation is embedding and working within the policies checked at the framework commissioning stage
- That the organisation is making progress towards meeting the KPIs agreed in Schedule 1 of the contract
- That the organisation is meeting the standards set out in this Toolkit
- That the organisation is supporting its staff to enable them to work towards delivering excellent teaching and learning
- That the organisation is listening to their learners and planning for their needs.
Social Distancing Measures - Ensuring that you have Covid risk assessment and mitigations in place
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Observation of teaching, learning and assessment (OTLA)
The quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment (OTLA) for Learn Harrow is good, which has contributed to good outcomes for learners. Observations and learner walks are carried out by providers heads of departments, line managers and the quality staff. T. The minimum standard expected for observations are:
- All observers are adequately trained to carry out observations
- All observations are included in a moderation and QI process
- Observation reports must be submitted to the ACFL (Quality Improvement Officer)
- All new and unobserved tutors must be observed in the first term of teaching
- All observed tutors must submit an action plan and this plan should influence CPD planning
- All observations should form part of the organisations Self Assessment Report
If you would like Learn Harrow to assist you with carrying out observations/ moderate observations / take part in peer observation scheme then please contact the Quality Improvement Officer.
Download links
3 Evidence
Registers & achievement
The link between attendance and achievement of course and personal aims are well documented. All Learn Harrow partner providers and tutors must record attendance and achievement regularly. Poor attendance or achievement is often a sign of an area for development for Information Advice and Guidance (are learners placed on a course that's right for them?), or the standard of teaching and learning (and learners vote with their feet) but they can also be a sign that the learners we work with have multiple and significant barriers to regular attendance. Recording attendance is crucial to addressing some of these barriers or areas for development.
Attendance: Registers should be marked at EVERY SESSION. Providers should monitor registers regularly and in-course so that any issues of poor attendance can be dealt with while the learners are still doing a course. Please use Learnertrack to record attendance (link below)
Achievement: Achievement should be measured according to the funding stream. Adult Skills Budget Funding (qualification courses) achievement is measured according to whether the learner passes or fails an exam or assessment. For community learning the tutor should use RARPA (see tutors toolkit for guidance) to measure outcomes for learners. Attendance and Achievement rates are used for calculating achievement rates for the provider or cohort of learners. All partner providers will have a minimum achievement rate baseline KPI.
Progression:The intended progression destination must be recorded for all learners at the end of a course. Please see Learner Voice section for guidance and links to forms.
Download links -
Learner voice
It is mandatory that providers have processes for consulting with learners. Information from learners should:
- Inform curriculum planning and review
- Support evaluation of quality of provision and teaching specifically
- Be embedded into Self Assessment Report (SAR) through evaluation of INTENT
Providers may use any appropriate system to gather information from learners that will feed into improvement planning. What is important is to gather information that is consistent with the overall provision focusing wherever possible at the following queries:
- How welcome were they made in the programme or setting?
- How appropriate was the programme for the learner and did it meet their needs?
- Was the programme well taught?
- Do learners get the support they need?
- Equality: did the learner feel they were treated fairly?
- Is learners’ work assessed regularly and do learners get the feedback about their work to enable them to progress?
It is also mandatory that providers should contact learners after the end of their course to ask them what they have progressed on to. The Learn Harrow service has made an online form available and providers may choose to telephone, email or text learners for their progression information.
Download links
Course samples
As part of the ongoing monitoring of all of our provision, we ask that all providers and directly employed tutors provide electronic samples of documentation used during planning, delivery and post-course.
Email address for sample documents: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The email subject line must be completed with Sample, Class Date, Venue and the provider or tutor name
Please note that sampling does not affect the primary obligation of providers and tutors to keep and maintain their own records for inspection by Learn Harrow as well as auditors, Matrix and Ofsted representatives. The sampling procedure is in addition to those liabilities and not in substitution of them.
The sample documentation is required to ensure that:
- Health and Safety including Safeguarding is embedded in course induction and delivery
- That equality of opportunity is evidenced in induction, planning or feedback paperwork
- That learners progress is recorded and that IAG is delivered at the appropriate stages
- That attendance and achievement is well documented and acted on
- That feedback and evaluations are acted on
Samples should include Induction, Initial Assessment, RARPA (or skills trackers - ILPs), registers, Learner evaluations, group profiles and Tutor evaluations. In the event of technical issues relating to electronic submissions, samples should be sent to the: Quality Improvement Officer, Learn Harrow, Kenton Learning Centre, 86 Glebe Avenue, Kenton HA3 9LF
4 Self assessment
Self assessment report
Self assessment is an important part of quality improvement. It helps us look at how well we have done and how we can improve, and focuses on improving outcomes for learners.
All providers are expected to participate in SAR (Self Assessment Report), evidence gathering and to produce a mini-SAR reflecting performance and detailing strengths and areas for development. Some useful links are given below.
Download links
- SAR timetable for 2022-2023
- Provider CPD Self assessment presentation (not yet published for 2022 2023
- SAR template for 2019-2020 dut to be published in June 2023